My Green Roof

... describing the installation of a green roof by a pair of 50-ish avid gardeners

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Installing the railing on our green roof

The railing installation (or re-installation) is complete, except for some bracing needed near the house, at the patio door.

The re-engineered railing is now in 6 or 8 ft sections, bolted together at the posts with stainless steel bolts. The original railing was sand-blasted, cut into sections for convenience, and powder-coated. We were without railing for almost a year --- we did an addition last year, and needed to remove the railing to facilitate the addition project. It looks soooo different, now that the railing is back in place.

The railing appears to be higher than before. Part of the visual difference is that my memory includes the height of the pavers, which are not yet in place. That 3" makes a big difference. The railing is also now installed ON TOP of the paver surface, rather than on the deck surface. Visually, then, I guess that the railing is actually appearing to be 6" higher than before. Half of that difference will go away once we get the pavers installed.

Which should begin this afternoon, weather permitting.

The lumber for the planting boxes is in the driveway. The perlite and MetroMix are being delivered today. Almost ready!

We are taking digital photos of each stage. Once I get some time to figure out the Blogger photo application, I'll post them.
